


    Abstract: Tender documents is the most important documents,bidding construction it compiled by the tenderer,and is based on the characteristics and needs of a project subject to tender.The role of the tender documents is that illustrate the nature of purchasing target,through the bidding activities will be based on rules and procedures,inform the conditions of the contract.The tender documents are not only the basis to the bidder by the tender documents,is also the foundation of purchasing people sign a contract with the winning supplier and basis.This project is a farmers’market 1 # commercial buildings,the bidding scope is civil part,through the formulation of the project bidding documents,to understand the format and content of the tender documents,to master the main steps and establishment method,combining with the actual situation of the project,the preparation of bill of quantities,formulate feasible bidding documents.

    Keywords:the bidding documents,the bidding scope,bill of quantities

    目   录

    1  前言 1

    2  投标须知及投标须知前附表 1

    2.1  投标须知前附表 1

    2.2  投标须知 4

    2.2.1  总则 4

    2.2.2  招标文件 5

    2.2.3  投标文件 6

    2.2.4  投标报价 7

    2.2.5  投标文件的密封与递交 8

    2.2.6  开标、评标、定标 9

    2.2.7  授予合同 11

    3  合同主要条款 12

    3.1  合同协议书 12

    3.2  合同通用条款 13

    3.3  合同专用条款 13

    3.3.1  合同文件及解释顺序 13

    3.3.2  语言文字和适用法律、标准及规范 13

    3.3.3  图纸 14

    3.3.4  双方一般权利和义务 14

    3.3.5  施工组织设计和工期 17

    3.3.6  工程质量与工程验收 17

    3.3.7  安全施工及环境保护 18

    3.3.8  合同价款与支付 18

    3.3.9  材料设备供应 19

    3.3.10  工程变更 19

    3.3.11  竣工验收与结算 19

    3.3.12  违约、索赔和争议 20

    4  工程量清单

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