


    毕业论文关键词: 冷负荷;风机盘管加新风系统;地源热泵机组

    Huamao center F zone air conditioning system design and ground source heat pump system scheme research

    Abstract: This topic is Huamao center F zone air conditioning system design and ground source heat pump system scheme research, Huamao center which  located in ShangHai is a building layer of multifunctional skyscrapers, and I participated in the design including the 11F hotel whose building area of about 2197 square meters and GHSP in B2.Hotel Central air conditioning design and underground B2 layer of hot and cold source machine room layout.

    According to the functional form of the hotel guest room, I choose the central air conditioning system for fan coil unit plus fresh air system, and the fresh air and fan coil connection according to the other graph..In the aspect of wind system,fresh wind is come from fresh air well ,and the enthalpy humidity chart of the connection mode is drawn, and the equipment selection is carried out.Fan coil is characterized by flexible control, can independently adjust the temperature and humidity, the air conditioning room does not interfere with each other;Water system uses primary water pump and double pipe system; to meet the whole building needs, and to ensure energy efficiency during operationhe water system of the 11 story hotel with vertical in the same way, because each layer has enough position to set the riser, and upstairs, downstairs for the hotel, same function, and at the same time, the hydraulic stability of the system in system program good, between the equipment of water allocation equilibriumRegulating convenient design of cold and heat source using ground source heat pump units, give full play to the characteristics of ground source heat pump energy saving and environmental protection.Room is located in the B1 level, and to the engine room and equipment preparation and layout and arrangement, at the same time, we should also understand the difference principle of pumps and chillers, the characteristics of ground source heat pump, and the developing trend and understand requirements for geological conditions of ground source heat pump.

    Keywords:Cooling load;FCU+PAU system;GHSP

    目  录

    1 设计资料 1

    1.1 工程概况 2

    1.2 气象资料 2

    1.2.1 室内外计算条件 2


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