

    本设计的结构形式采用多层现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构。框架结构的特点是梁柱承重,墙体只起分隔、围护的作用,房间布置较灵活。自然条件如下:基本风压:0.55kN/m2(重现期为50 年);本地区地震基本烈度为七度;地震分组为第二组;场地类别为Ⅳ类;根据建筑高度及设防烈度,此建筑抗震等级为二级。主要结构材料如下:基础、梁、柱、板采用C30混凝土,梁、柱采用HRB400钢筋。主要结构构件尺寸如下:柱6600mm×600mm,纵向框架梁300mm×600mm,横向框架梁300mm×600mm,次梁250mm×500mm,楼面板厚110mm,屋面板厚120mm。,本工程拟采用高强预应力混凝土钢管桩基础。由于基地位于居民区附近,沉桩方式应避免采用锤击方式。各区基础连为一体,采用桩基加独立承台加拉梁的基础形式。楼板为双向板,根据计算要求使用棋盘式布置荷载。框架梁柱的配筋满足抗震要求:强柱弱梁、强节点弱构件等通过规范要求乘以相关系数。基础计算参考土力学和基础工程,基础形式为柱下独立桩基,通过相关系数调整得到。57955


    Abstract The design for the architectural and structural design of hydrological data management center, construction area of 5000m2, a total of eight layers. Eight layers are the first three-story 3.9m. The entire school building longitudinal 39.6m in one at each end of the stairs. Eight floors above the ground this project structure, no basement. Indoor and outdoor high differential 450mm, roof structure to find the slope, slope of 2%, building height (outdoor ground to the top wall of her daughter) is 31m. Entire building flat-structured, consistent with use and force requirements made simple, crisp, and reflect the modern style.

    The design structure of multi-layer reinforced concrete frame structure. Frame features a beam load-bearing wall separates, retaining the role, more flexible room layout. Natural conditions are as follows: basic wind pressure: 0.55kN/m2 (return period 50); the basic seismic intensity of seven degrees; seismic group for the second group venues categories for type ⅳ; according to the building height and intensity, this grade secondary building. Main structural materials are as follows: foundations, beams, columns, slabs using concrete C30, HRB400 of beam and column bars. Size of main structural members are as follows: the  

    columns 6600mmx600mm, 300mmx600mm vertical frame beams and transverse beams 300mmx600mm, 250mmx500mm beams, floor 110mm, roof 120mm. , This project intends to use high-strength prestressed concrete pipe pile foundations. Because the base is located in the residential area near the pile hammer should be avoided. Integrated area based, pile and pile and beam forms the basis of independence. Floor for two-way slabs, calculated load requires the use of a checkerboard arrangement. Beam reinforcement to meet the seismic requirements: strong column-weak beam, strong weak components of the node through the specification requirements multiplied by the coefficient of correlation. Basic computation of soil mechanics and foundation engineering, forms the basis for the single pile foundation under column, by correlation coefficient adjustment

    1   建筑设计部分  1

       1.1 工程概况  1

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