


    The architectural and structural design of Stamp collecting tower in Shanghai

    Abstract: This building is located in the Shanghai office building.Construction area of 6727 m2, eight layer, layer of 4.5 m high as two to eight layers of high of 4.2 m.The whole office building is about 46 m long, altogether has two stairs, elevators, two construction height is 33.9 m.The main functions of the building for office, architecture design includes office, conference room, lounge, etc.Plane to comprehensively consider each rooms, overall planning, decorate in the toilet, such as office space, to fully consider the use of convenience, let the practicability of construction to achieve maximum expression.Including the general layout, architectural design from the plane and vertical transportation, building towards and selection, and fire prevention and evacuation requirements.Mainly has carried on the architectural design idea, plane layout, facade design, profile design and fire protection and evacuation design.Rational layout, facade is concise and easy, meet the functional requirements.Structure design part includes: the structure arrangement, load calculation, internal force combination, steel frame design, network frame design and foundation design.The structure form of the building for the steel structure system, stair steel stair, partition using lightweight black and light steel keel partition wall, roof and floor adopts the cast-in-place concrete structures.

    KeyWords: steel structure system;architectural design;structural design


    1引言 1

    2建筑设计部分 2

    2.1设计依据 2

    2.2设计理念 2

    2.3工程概况 2

    2.4建筑设计 3

    2.4.1办公室 3

    2.4.2大会议室 3

    2.4.3厕所 3

    2.4.4楼梯 4

    2.5门窗工程 4

    2.6消防防火 4

    3结构设计部分 5

    3.1设计资料 5

    3.1.1设计依据 5

    3.1.2自然条件 5

    3.1.3活荷载标准值 5

    3.1.4地质条件及场地工程地质评价 6

    3.1.5主要结构材料 7


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