

    结构部分:首先确定结构形式采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,屋盖及楼盖采用现浇式结构。然后进行梁板柱尺寸、混凝土强度及其钢筋等级的确定,材料及尺寸确定后使用 PKPM软件绘制结构平面布置图。通过软件电算得到板配筋结果。之后挑选一榀框架来电算它的荷载并形成PK文件。完成了一榀框架的计算后,进行整体结构的设计,主要在SETWE里进行,并对周期比、位移比、轴压比三大指标进行判断,由此判断计算结果是否合格。最后JCCAD中绘制桩基础。最后完成了梁板柱平法施工图、基础施工图及楼梯配筋图的绘制。

    毕业论文关键词: 钢筋混凝土框架;抗震;建筑;施工图;结构设计 

     Geological data analysis Architectural and Structural Design Research Centre

    Abstract: The design for the analysis of geological data center building structure design, including architectural design and structural design of two parts.

    Building: First determine the initial program, including determining the column spacing, the height and room features. After determining the program by CAD software to complete a plan view of the layers, facade, drawing side elevation, section and detail of the node.

    Structural parts: first determine the structure situ reinforced concrete frame structure, roof and floor structure using cast. Then slab column dimensions, use after the concrete strength grade and reinforced the determination of the material and size of the structure to determine PKPM to draw floor plans. Operators obtain results through software electricity reinforcement plate. After the selection of a Pin framework calls it count loads and form PK file. After completion of the calculation of a Pin framework, the overall structure is designed, conducted mainly in SETWE years, and the period ratio, displacement ratio, axial compression ratio of the three judgment indicators, which determine whether the results were satisfactory. Finally JCCAD draw pile foundation. Finalization of the column flat slab construction method diagram, basic construction plans and drawing stairs reinforcement chart.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete frame; aseismic; construction; construction plans; structural design 

     目  录

    1 建筑方案设计 5

    1.1  设计依据 5

    1.1.1  相关规范 5

    1.1.2  任务书要求 5

    1.2  设计要求 5

    1.3  建筑设计方案 5

    1.3.1  平面设计 5

    1.3.2  立面设计 7

    1.3.3  剖面设计 7

    1.3.4  楼屋面设计 8

    2  结构方案设计 9

    2.1  设计依据 9

    2.2  设计要求 9

    2.3  结构设计方案 9

    2.3.1  确定结构类型及抗震等级 9

    2.3.2  结构布置方案 10

    2.3.3  材料选择 10

    2.3.4  梁板柱截面尺寸确定

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