
    【摘要】 本次设计的团队题目为:源恺国际商业街BIM模拟建造,熟悉并运用BIM技术在实际项目上的运行。通过对源恺国际商业街运用Autodesk Revit建立模型,制作相应的施工现场模拟视频。通过“鲁班土建”和“鲁班钢筋”建模得出整个项目的工程量,再运用“鲁班造价”得出工程造价。另外需要编制进度计划,完成场地布置,编写施工组织设计,最终完成BIM 5D施工过程模拟。

    本人课题主要任务是运用BIM技术对造价成本的控制,通过对源恺国际商业街的三维施工模拟,研究基于BIM 技术的工程项目造价编制策略并提出应用展望。58134


    Cost Management with Application of BIM Technology in the International Business Street

    【Abstract】 The team title of this design is Virtual Construction with BIM Technology in Yuankai International Business Street , being familiar with and being use of BIM Technology running on the practical project. By establishing the model of Yuankai International Business Street by Autodesk Revit, making corresponding video of the construction process simulation. Through "Luban Civil Engineering" and "Luban Steel" modeling of the whole project and obtaining the engineering quantity, then using the " Luban Estimator " get the project cost. In addition, completing the preparation of the schedule, the completion of the site layout, the preparation of construction organization design. In the final, realizing the BIM 5D construction process simulation.

    My main task is the cost control with BIM Technology. Through the construction of Kaiyuan International Commercial Street in 3D simulation, studying project cost compilation strategy based on BIM Technology and puting forward prospect of application.

    【Key words】 BIM; Virtual construction; Engineering cost; Data synthesi 


    1  引言   1

    1.1  课题背景  1

    1.2  选课依据  1

    1.3  工程造价管理现状  2

    1.4  课题研究思路  2

    2  源恺国际商业街BIM虚拟建造设计要求    3

    2.1  课题内容要求  3

    2.2  课题软件应用要求  3

    2.3  预期成果形式  3

    3  源恺国际商业街BIM虚拟建造设计介绍    4

    3.1  团队课题介绍  4

    3.2  源恺国际商业街工程概况  4

    3.3  BIM软件应用  5

    3.3.1  Autodesk Revit:三维建模软件   5

    3.3.2  Autodesk Navisworks:可视化软件  5

    3.3.3  鲁班软件系列:工程算量造价软件  6

    3.3.4  Auto CAD:二维平面设计软件   8

    3.3.5  Microsoft Project:进度计划编制软件  8

    4  源恺国际商业街BIM设计操作过程    8

    4.1  Revit三维建模及可视化   8

    4.1.1  利用Autodesk Revit2014建模  8

    4.1.2  虚拟漫游视频   11

    4.2  项目工程量算量   11

    4.2.1  利用鲁班软件建模   11

    4.2.2  工程量统计   15

    4.3  施工组织设计阶段   16

    4.3.1  施工进度计划   16

    4.3.2  施工组织设计   17 

    4.4  项目工程计价   18

    4.4.1  “鲁班造价2016”主要操作步骤   18

    4.4.2  定额计价与清单计价   21

    4.5  5D模拟工程建造全过程    22

    4.5.1  Luban MC 2016操作步骤   23

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