


    Design of the component parts of the assembly type shock absorber in the village and town

    Abstract:Town construction is an important national policy in China, as China's economic development, as well as "urban-rural integrated" implementation of agricultural policies, development of rural architecture has undergone tremendous changes. But compared with urban architecture, living conditions in rural areas are still lagging quality of living is not high, residential comfort and safety performance is relatively poor, more serious waste of energy and land. China is a seismic country, earthquakes caused a lot of casualties and property losses, and houses collapsed in the earthquake is a major cause of casualties, since the Tangshan earthquake in China so far, most of the earthquakes have occurred in rural and township areas, particularly in the economically underdeveloped areas. The earthquake damage survey results show that, in same earthquake-torn condition, the collapse of casualties and building damage in rural areas are much higher than in the cities. The poorer areas, more severely affected. Village architecture in general lack of scientific planning and rational design, results in poor villages housing disaster resistance capacity. Therefore, design a suitable and complete prefabricated building systems, is effective to enhance rural disaster-prevention capacities. First to study both of the hailaer-suite, combining the characteristics of prefabricated construction, to collate the construction parts and designs, including beams, columns, walls, floors and other component parts, and parts manufacturing diagram.

    Key Words:Part design; precast concrete; frame structure; PKPM

     第一章 绪论 1

    1 项目背景 1

    1.1 预制装配式建筑的意义 1

    1.2 国外装配式建筑部品部件的研究现状与水平 1

    1.3 国内装配式建筑部品部件的研究现状与水平 2

    2 目前发展和重点研究方向 3

    2.1 预制构件的模数化及标准化研究 3

    2.2 装配式建筑抗震性能研究 3

    第二章 部品部件设计 3

    3 本文研究房型 3

    3.1 海拉尔地区基本情况

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