


    毕业论文关键词: 喷房区域;烟气蔓延;FDS模拟;喷淋系统;机械排烟系统

    Fire control design of spray room area of automobile paint workshop based on fire simulation

    Abstract:Automobile industry has become one of the important industry in China in recent years, however, due to the vehicle four workshops to produce the required process requirements and fire design is very complex, leading to the domestic automobile manufacturing industry frequent fire accidents. And in the event of fire accident, the spread of fire potential is extremely rapid, to the worker's life caused great threat. Therefore, to carry out of paint shop spray room area of fire smoke spread research has important significance.

    In this paper, the use of fire software FDS spray room area was established, spray room area of fire numerical simulation was conducted to investigate the. In view of the fire smoke, respectively, using spray system and different positions of the mechanical smoke exhaust system to be controlled. Through comparing with the indoor temperature, visibility and other related parameters change, analysis spray room area of fire smoke spread rules and the corresponding control measures of tobacco control effect, fighting to find the best way.

    Key Words:Spray room area; smoke spread; FDS simulation; spray system; mechanical smoke exhaust system

    1.绪论 1

    1.1研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 3

    1.2.1 国内火灾烟气研究现状 3

    1.2.2 国外研究现状 3

    1.3 本文研究内容及方法 4

    2.FDS介绍 5

    2.1 FDS简介 5

    2.3 FDS的燃烧模型 6

    2.4 FDS的应用限制 7

    3. 火灾烟气的性质以及运动规律 9

    3.1 火灾烟气 9

    3.2 烟气的产生 9

    3.3 火灾烟气性质参数 9

    3.3.1 烟的浓度 9

    3.3.2能见距离 10

    3.3.3 烟气的密度与压力 10

    3.4 烟气的危害 11

    3.4.1 烟气的毒害性 11

    3.4.2烟气的减光性 12

    3.5 烟气运动的典型现象 12

    3.5.1 烟气羽流 12

    3.5.2 顶蓬射流 13


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