



       Abstract The design of port site is located in the southwest from yangzhou. According to the requirement of the port of topography and geological conditions, currency ability and so on, the analysis adopted high pile wharf structure form. Design main standards for safe and economic and applicable design content mainly includes the port layout and piled wharf structural internal force calculation, checking to the stability of the structure is necessary at the same time, the last of the pile foundation construction technology were briefly reviewed.

    Design background, design data, the design of plane layout, loading and unloading process, structure layout, port load selection, structure calculation, structure of eight parts. Layout layout principles, the number of berths and arrangement for land and water, including the area of the warehouse and yard and distribution according to according to the quantity of goods. Loading and unloading process with loading principle, loading and unloading process design and the number of loading and unloading machinery. Port structure layout has wharf structural design principle and structure section size. Structural calculation mainly panels, longitudinal beam and calculation of the transverse bent frame under the load, including reinforcement calculation and crack resistance calculation. The structure internal force calculation on May appear in a variety of load on the building, at the same time according to the most unfavorable load combination condition. Pile using precast prestressed concrete piles, the design bearing capacity of pile foundation is also necessary to calculate and check.

    Keywords: high pile wharf ;container wharf ;beam plate

    第一章 设计背景 1

    1.1 工程概述 1

    1.2 设计原则 1

    1.3 设计依据 1

    第二章 设计资料 3

    2.1 地形条件 3

    2.2 气象条件 3

    2.3 水文条件 3

    第三章 平面布置 5

    3.1 设计船型 5

    3.2作业条件 5

    3.3总体尺寸 5

    3.3.1码头泊位长度 5

    3.3.2 航道设计尺度 6


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