





    Design general description

        This project is located in Shanghai City, Plaza 4-9 layer - a total construction area of 41562.4m, for the business district office, the use of central air-conditioning system. The big-gest advantage of this system is configured to avoid like the traditional commercial central air conditioning central air conditioning in the main building is implemented, and those who had no special design and installation of air conditioning the old building was reconfigured. The indoor machine is usually installed in the ceiling or ceiling, does not occupy the ground space, leaving no sanitary dead, the room more spacious. Commercial central air conditioning operation is flex-ible, can do a room in the machine is connected with the indoor units, the indoor machine can separate switch control, Meet the body temperature requirements of inpidual differences. The temperature of commercial central air conditioning and air regulation is more uniform, make people feel more comfortable, fresh air, humidifying function can keep indoor air fresh and sani-tary, heat effect can be comparable with the large central air conditioning, which are the tradi-tional unmatched.

    This project is located in Shanghai City, Plaza 4-9 layer total construction area of 41562.4m . The 4-8 layers of 32 rooms, including room, toilet, office area for the 9266.8m , 8945.6m , 8947.3m , 8948.6m , 2946.92m, for office. The ninth layer is composed of 10 rooms, Roof garden, toilet room which area is 2507.02m - also for office.

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