


    Changsha City Commercial Building Building HVAC Project (1-4 Floor Business District) Design

    Abstract: The content of the graduation design is the design of Changsha commercial building HVAC project (1-4 building commercial area). Building Overview: The project is located in Changsha City, the ground 4 layer, with a total construction area of 14547.69 square meters, height 19.3m. According to the civil engineering data and the meteorological parameters of Changsha area, combined with the user's requirements for the use of air conditioning system, in strict accordance with the "heating ventilation and air conditioning design specifications" and other guidance requirements, including load calculation, system form, air conditioning water system The design and calculation of the wind system and the airflow organization, the selection of the air handling equipment and the end device, and the drawing of the construction drawing. According to the size of each room, function and other specific circumstances to choose a different air-conditioning program, such as the larger lobby and shops such as the use of all-air system, set the diffuser flat delivery form, which can effectively dehumidify and meet the air volume requirements, and For the general office, because of its small size, the use of fan coil plus fresh air system side of the air flow organization, mainly to consider its small footprint, low noise and easy to control and so on. The design of the water system using the vertical direction of the same program, the horizontal direction of the use of different forms. According to the local characteristics of Changsha City, I chose the lithium bromide absorption of cold (hot) water unit, so that not only can be cold in summer, winter can also heat. In addition, I also air conditioning system, anti-corrosion insulation and noise reduction, such as a simple design.

    Keywords: Heating system; air conditioning system; duct water pipe; exhaust; cold storage


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 工程概述与设计依据 1

    1.1 工程概述 1

    1.2 设计依据 1

    1.2.1 围护结构热工指标 1

    1.2.2 长沙市气候情况分析 5

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