毕业论文关键词: 体育零售行业;经营模式;4P分析;营销模式;盈利能力
Comparison of Decathlon and NIKE in the marketing model and profitability
Abstract:Many sports goods retail stuck in trouble after The China sports goods retail industry had developed 10 years rapidly. At the same time, a French company that its name is Decathlon, the company had developed fast and continued to open new branches in some big cities of China. It was a very strange sight. The thesis focus on Decathlon and NIKE, utilize different methods that include checking the past literatures, making questionnaire survey on site and communicating with some workers of in the sports goods retail industry to collect useful information for write the thesis better. NIKE represents the main mode of operation in China sporting goods retail industry, the brands as the leading and dealers in a subordinate position. Decathlon is a comprehensive brand shopping malls that operation pattern is that the own brand oriented are main, and other brands as a supplement. The author use the 4P that a classical marketing theory. Meantime, study the fin At the same time added to the analysis in the profitability of the two companies, eventually combined with their own marketing mode, trying to find the reason that the two different performance at the same industry environment.
Key Words:Sports Retail Industry; 4P; Business Model; Marketing Model; Profitability
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景及意义 1
(二)研究对象 2
(三)研究方法 2
1、文献资料法 3
2、专家访谈法 3
3、现场调研法 3
二、文献综述 4
(一)中国体育用品行业研究现状 4
(二)国内研究现状 4
(三)国外研究现状 4
(四)综述小结 5
三、实例分析与讨论 6
(一)迪卡侬营销模式及盈利能力分析 6
1、迪卡侬的营销模式 6
2、迪卡侬的盈利能力 10
(二)NIKE营销模式及盈利能力分析 10
1、NIKE的营销模式 10
2、NIKE的盈利能力 14
(三)迪卡侬面临的问题 15
1、本土化问题 15
2、产品质量问题 15
3、人力资本问题 16
4、成本上涨问题 16
(四)NIKE面临的问题 17
1、产品的双重标准 17
- 上一篇:我国慈善事业存在问题与对策研究
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