    摘要:近几年来,生态旅游已经成为了当下最热门的话题,人们的生活质量越来越高,对于生活的需要,生活的舒适度也要求越来越高,可以说生态旅游成为了很多人追求向往的生活方式,生态旅游本身就是一项具有积极意义的方式,它的模式是为了保护生态环境,和文护当地的人民正常生活为基准的。本篇论文以崇明岛为例,讲述了崇明岛当地的生态状况,和生态旅游对于崇明岛的积极作用,归纳出了目前存在的问题,并且针对不足之处提出几点建议,不仅有助于促进崇明岛生态旅游市场的蓬勃发展,而且对我国生态旅游市场的健康发展具有一定的帮助。 23247
    Analysis of Chongming Island ecological tourism
    Abstract: In recent years, ecological tourism has become the most popular topic. As people's quality of life become more and more high, for the need of life, the comfort of life also demand is higher and higher, say many ecological tourism has become the pursuit of yearning for life, ecological tourism is a positive way, its pattern is in order to protect the ecological environment and maintain the local people's normal life as a benchmark. This paper taking Chong Ming island as an example to tells the story of Chong Ming island of local ecological conditions and ecological tourism for the positive role of Chong Ming island, also the existence of the ecotourism nature to constantly promote the promotion and their tourism market has a variety of contact. Summed up the existing problems, and puts forward some suggestions for the deficiencies, not only helps to promote the vigorous development of ecological tourism market in Chongming Island, but also for the healthy development of the market of ecological tourism in China.
    Keywords: Ecotourism ; Chongming island ; Tourism marketing
     目  录
    引言    1
    一、生态旅游的概述    3
    (一) 生态旅游的定义    3
    (二)生态旅游的特征    3
    (三) 生态旅游的起源    3
    (四)生态旅游的发展趋势    4
    1、山水观光和休闲娱乐转向山水深度体验    4
    2、旅游景点当地居民与生态旅游的关联更为密切    4
    3、农业观光旅游    4
    (五) 国内外生态旅游研究现状    4
    二、崇明岛生态旅游外部环境分析    7
    (一)外部宏观环境分析    7
    (二) 外部微观环境分析    8
    1、旅游业的特点    8
    2、生态旅游与传统旅游的区别    8
    3、国内外生态旅游的市场特点    9
    4、生态旅游市场目标人群分析    9
    三、崇明岛生态旅游市场内部环境分析    12
    (一)生态旅游业对崇明岛经济发展所起到的作用    12
    (二)在崇明岛内发展生态旅游市场的意义    12
    1、推进生态旅游景区可持续发展,保护崇明岛生物物种。    12
    2、有利于提高当地经济水平    13
    3、可以促进人与自然和谐相处    13
    4、发展生态旅游可以满足现代游客的需要    13
    (三)崇明岛生态旅游资源特点    13
    1、生态多样的候鸟天堂    13
    2、身心愉悦的天然氧吧    13
    3、多样的旅游景点    14
    (四)与旅游业相配套的基础设置建设    14
    1、交通设施    14
    2、商业设施    15
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