    Marketing Strategy securities business department
    Abstract:China's securities market has been integrated into the international market since joining the WTO. Securities brokerage business is becoming more and more fierce competition. The securities brokers are trying to adapt to market changes and the price competition rapidly turned into the service competition, the traditional channel provider transformed to provider resources development and service center for customers, also. Major securities company have established a perfect customer service system and customer management mechanism on the basis of customer service experience so as provide the main customers a perfect service system.
    This article will say that securities companies current business strategy should pay attention to and strengthen the marketing to make up the scale and the strength of the competitive disadvantage and enhance competition ability. It is a question that how to place in the fierce market competition which many securities companies need to consider, However, the design of the marketing, strategy and the construction of the team will be the important factors to guarantee of securities company's strength. Finally, the paper will make a analysis in SWOT to the marketing ability of ascension and give some advice to securities business.
    Keywords: the securities market; Traditional brokerage business;Integrated Services
    目  录

    引言 …    1
    一、绪论 …2
    (一)研究的意义和背景 2
    (二)研究的内容和方法 3
    二、证券营业部简介 4
    (一)证券营业部的发展历程 4
    (二)证券营业部的构成 5
    三、证券营业部的市场分析 …7
    (一)营销环境分析 4
    1、宏观环境分析  …6
    2、行业环境分析  …6
    (二)投资者分析 …5
    (三)主要竞争对手分析 9
    1、同行业竞争  6
    2、银行竞争  …6
    3、互联网竞争  6
    (四)SWOT分析 … 9
    1、优势分析  …6
    2、劣势分析  …6
    3、机会分析  …6
    3、威胁分析  …6
    四、证券营业部营销策略分析  … 8
    (一)产品定位策略 8
    (二)市场细分策略 8
    (三)价格策略 8
    (四)渠道策略 8
    1、银行渠道  …8
    2、非银行渠道  8
    (五)促销策略  … 9
    1、广告  …6
    2、营销推广和公共关系  6
    3、人员推销  …6
    3、网络宣传  …6
    (一)推广综合金融账户 … 10
    (二)加快信息技术应用 … 10
    (三)发展信用融资为代表的资本中介业务 … 10
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