    摘要:就业能力是大学生获得就业机会并文持就业以及获得晋升的综合能力。大学生就业难作为大众化教育时代的焦点问题,其中一个关键原因就是大学生的就业能力不足。 志愿服务作为连接学校教育与社会实践的结合点,是提升大学生就业能力的有效载体,能够增强大学生核心竞争力,实现其顺利就业。近年来大学生志愿服务发展得如火如荼,国内外学者在志愿服务对就业能力的影响这一问题上也做了大量研究并取得了一些成果。本文从大学生志愿服务的参与情况,参与志愿服务对就业能力的影响(人力资本、社会资本、心理素质三个文度23种能力)进行研究,从而积极发挥志愿服务作用,为更好促进大学生就业提供有益的思路。29485
    Research summary on the influence of voluntary service on College Students' employment ability
    Abstract: Employment ability is the comprehensive ability of college students to obtain employment and maintain employment as well as get promotion. College Students' employment is difficult to be the focus of the era of mass education, one of the key reason is that college students' employment ability is insufficient. Volunteer service as a combination of school education and social practice, is an effective carrier to enhance the employability of college students, to enhance the core competitiveness of college students to achieve their smooth employment. In recent years, college students volunteer service development in full swing, domestic and foreign scholars in volunteer service of employment ability affects the problem also made a lot of research and achieved some results.The participation of college students volunteer service from the influence of participation in volunteer service on the employment ability (human capital, social capital, psychological quality of the three dimensions of 23 kinds of ability) research, which actively play the role of volunteer service, to provide useful ideas for better promoting the employment of College students.
    Key words: Voluntary service; employment ability; human capital; social capital; psychological quality
    目  录
    Key words1
    一、 研究意义    2
    (一)研究意义    2
    (二)创新之处    3
    二、国内外研究现状    3
    (一)志愿服务的概念界定    3
    (二)就业能力的概念及构成    3
    1.定义    3
    2.就业能力的构成    4
    (三)志愿服务对就业能力的影响研究    5
    1.志愿服务有助于扩充社会资本    5
    2.志愿服务有助于提升人力资本    5
    3.志愿服务可以帮助锻炼心理素质    6
    (四)文献述评    6
    三、研究设计    7
    (一)研究目标    7
    (二)研究内容    7
    (三)研究方法    7
    1.访谈法    7
    2.问卷调查法    7
    四、实证研究方法    7
    (一)问卷设计    7
    (二)问卷发放与数据采集    8
    五、实证研究结果    8
    (一)样本特征的描述性分析    8
    (二)志愿服务参与情况    9
    1.大学生志愿服务参与频率    9
    2.大学生志愿服务参与类别    10
    3.大学生志愿服务参与途径    10
    4.大学生志愿服务参与动机    11
    (二)志愿服务对就业能力的影响    11
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