    摘要:    随着社会经济的发展,国内涌现出了大量的高层建筑。但是这也面临着很多疏散难点,在过去人们只是依靠楼梯进行疏散,普遍认为在火灾情况下,不能使用电梯进行疏散。但是现在仅仅依靠楼梯疏散是不能满足现在的疏散要求,而电梯本身就具有运输速度快,为人员提供了良好的疏散条件。本文就此讨论了电梯疏散的可行性,通过对居民楼的实际测试,查阅大量的资料,初步研究楼梯疏散和电梯疏散之间的规律,重点分析电梯和楼梯的混合疏散在何种情况下达到最优化,并在此基础上对人员的情况进行了讨论。最后进行了总结,优化电梯和楼梯耦合下的人员疏散模式,为高层建筑有条件使用电梯疏散提供技术支持。29450
    Study on Evacuation of Elevator and Stairs
    Abstract: With the development of social economy,There are a lot of high-rise buildings in China.But this is also facing a lot of evacuation difficulties,In the past people just rely on the stairs to evacuate,Generally considered in the case of fire,People can't use the elevator to evacuate.But now just rely on the stairs evacuation is not meet the evacuation requirements,And the elevator itself has the speed of transportation,Provide good evacuation conditions for people,At this point, this paper discusses the feasibility of elevator evacuation, through residential building on actual testing, access to a large number of data, preliminary study on evacuation evacuation stairs and elevators between law, focuses on the analysis of the elevator and the stairs of the hybrid evacuation under what circumstances to achieve the optimization, and on this basis on the personnel situation are discussed. Finally, the evacuation mode of the elevator is optimized and the elevator is coupled with the stairs, and the technical support is provided for the high-rise building with the use of the elevator evacuation.
    Keywords:    stairs; elevator;evacuate.
    1 绪论    4
    1.1研究背景及意义    4
    1.2文献综述    5
    1.2.1国内研究现状    5
    1.2.2国外研究现状    5
    1.3本文章节安排    6
    2高层建筑疏散特点    7
    2.1疏散难点    7
    2.2常见疏散方式    8
    2.2.1电梯疏散    8
    2.2.2楼梯疏散    8
    2.2.3混合疏散    9
    2.2.4其他疏散策略    9
    2.3人员心理对疏散时间的影响    10
    2.3.1 熟悉性    10
    2.3.2羊群效应    11
    2.3.3紧张不安    11
    2.3.4其它特点    11
    2.4安全疏散设计    11
    2.5允许疏散时间    12
    2.6电梯和楼梯疏散影响因素分析    12
    3.电梯疏散时间计算    13
    3.1算法    13
    3.1算例    14
    4.楼梯疏散的计算    15
    4.1袁明理算法    15
    4.1.1算法    15
    4.1.2算例    15
    4.2 K.Tgawa算法    18
    4.2.1 算法    18
    4.2.2算例    18
    4.3Pauls的经验公式    18
    4.3.1算法    18
    4.3.2算例    19
    4.4几种算法的对比    19
    5电梯和楼梯相结合的疏散方式    20
    5.1电梯和楼梯耦合疏散的计算    20
    5.2增设消防电梯    21
    5.3计算结果分析    22
    6.对不同类型人员的疏散时间的研究    23
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