    关键词:移动购物  满意度  顾客期望  感知质量  感知价值
    Title       Mobile Shopping User Satisfaction Survey Research     
    With the rapid development of mobile Internet era, based on a large customer base of mobile users, mobile e-commerce has experienced the development process from scratch, from weak to strong , and has become an important part of e-commerce. Development of e-commerce has brought tangible benefits to the people indeed, penetrated into all aspects of people's lives. However, due to the lack of effective regulation of mobile shopping, goods of varying quality, And some businesses, deliberately deceive consumers, there is a sharp decline in public satisfaction, which became a bottleneck restricting the development of mobile shopping. Consumer satisfaction is an evaluation of the business or enterprise, but also the confidence of consumers or business or enterprise product quality. The higher the satisfaction, indicating that customers have more recognition to the quality of goods or services to the enterprise or business . Through in-depth research on mobile shopping development and the status quo, Through in-depth research on mobile shopping development, the status quo, customer satisfaction reflect the problems that exposed in the mobile shopping development process. Based on the above background, in reference to literature, Through the research of the corporate image, customer expectations, perceived quality, perceived value and other aspects, created the relevant structural model to determine the factors that affect customer satisfaction. Through questionnaires, and pooled analysis and hypothesis testing to the data that was collected with SPSS and AMOS software ,leading to the conclusion. Making mobile shopping operators insight into the many factors that can affect customer satisfaction, and earnestly improve , establish a good image , win customers satisfaction, but also help promote the development of e-commerce businesses.
    Keywords : Mobile shopping, Satisfaction, Customer expectations, Perceived quality, Perceived value
     目   次 
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  移动电子商务的发展现状及问题    2
    1.2.1移动电子商务的特性    2
    1.2.2  移动电子商务的发展现状    3
    1.2.3  移动电子商务可能存在的问题    3
    1.3  研究方法    4
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