    摘要随着我国社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的改善,餐饮业保持高速增长。而随着社会水平的提高,消费者的需求也在不断增高,为了增强核心竞争力,传统的餐饮企业必须不断地创新或改革,以适应社会的发展,文持餐饮公司的良好运行。面对餐饮业在经营过程中不断产生的问题,应用供应链环境下的质量管理能够很好地应对存在的问题,如各种原因导致原料不新鲜或浪费、员工服务不到位等进行解决,本文以 H 餐饮公司为例,根据餐饮公司自身状况并结合基本理论,突破传统的管理模式,从整体方面对其进行了改进和设想,对供应链环境下的质量管理体系进行了构想,同时重新构建信息管理模式,设立供应商优化方案等以提高餐饮公司的综合实力。同时,对其重新进行信息管理构建以及供应商的优化方案进行了分析,以进一步提高H 餐饮公司供应链环境下的质量管理水平。在实施供应链环境下的质量管理后,有利于H 公司降低成本,明确分工,通过信息的共享化随时了解外界信息以随时保障自己的服务和菜品符合客户的要求,必将带来更多的盈利。30942
    毕业论文关键词 餐饮 供应链 质量管理
    Title H Food Quality Management Supply Chain Environment
    Abstract As China's social and economic development and people's living standards improve, therestaurant industry to maintain rapid growth. Dining chain scale and scope expanding, highlycompetitive market. With the improvement of social standards, consumer demand is constantlyincreasing, in order to enhance the core competitiveness, traditional food and beveragecompanies must constantly innovate or reform, in order to adapt to social development, tomaintain good run catering company.Catering to face the problem in the course of business continue to produce to prove that theimplementation of quality management of supply chain environment can be good for theexisting problems, such as the various causes of waste material is not fresh or employee serviceis not in place to resolve, In this paper, H catering company, for example, according to thecatering company and the basic theory of their own situation, to break the traditionalmanagement model, its improvements and ideas from the whole aspect of the qualitymanagement system supply chain environment were conceived at the same time againConstruction of information management, the establishment of supplier optimization programsto improve the overall strength of the catering company. At the same time, it re-buildinformation management and supplier optimization schemes were analyzed in order to furtherimprove the quality management level H catering company's supply chain environment.After the implementation of quality management supply chain environment conducive Hcompanies to reduce costs, a clear pision of labor, through the sharing of information aboutthe outside world at any time at any time to protect their own information service and dishes inline with customer requirements, will bring more profit.
    Key words Food Supply Chain; Quality Management
    目 次
    1 绪论. 1
    1.1 选题背景及意义.. 1
    1.2 国内外研究现状 2
    1.3 本文的研究内容 5
    2 相关概念和理论知识 7
    2.1 供应链和供应链管理的含义. 7
    2.2 供应链管理与传统管理方式的区别. 8
    2.3 供应链管理的主要特点 8
    2.4 供应链质量管理与食品安全. 9
    3 H 餐饮公司现状分析. 11
    3.1 H 餐饮公司基本情况.. 11
    3.2 H 餐饮公司的管理模式. 12
    3.3 H 餐饮公司存在的主要质量问题 12
    3.3 H 餐饮公司症状原因分析 14
    3.4 小结 16
    4 H 餐饮公司供应链环境下的质量改进 17
    4.1 供应链环境下的质量改进方案. 17
    4.2 采购阶段的质量优化.. 18
    4.3 加工服务阶段优化 19
    4.4 客户反馈阶段的优化.. 20
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