    Study on the relationship between the major festival activities and new product promotion
    Abstract: With the advent of global market integration, the market share has become an important standard concerns the success or failure of the enterprise quality. As the saying goes: "not for all, not for a moment; not a global, less than get domain". Enterprise want to occupy the market, and then seek to maximize market, the exhibition is one of the fastest minimum investment, effective market development means. For the lack of more effective in terms of marketing plans and measures of enterprise, the exhibition is Paramount. Festival activities is in communication between manufacturers, distributors and traders, communication, and business promotion platform. Professional festivals are the epitome of the industry, it represents to some extent even a market, the enterprise can establish and maintain in the exhibition and the relationship between stakeholders, harmonious customer relationship, establish the enterprise the overall image in the market. Through the exhibition, the enterprise also can show your own brand, and market survey. This research through the questionnaire survey to common people, and the data obtained through SPSS software reliability analysis, single factor variance analysis, cross analysis and the analysis of the least significant difference method, so as to make the analysis more scientific, reliable and accurate. The investigation results show that the people of different family per capita monthly income of evaluation does not exist significant differences in the cultural experience, all think that the index of cultural experience of major festivals dissemination of socialist core values is more important.
    Key Words: festival activities,product promotion
    目 录
    引 言    1
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景和意义    2
    1. 课题的研究背景    2
    2. 课题的研究意义    2
    二 、研究的现状和发展趋势    2
    (一)节庆营销定义    2
    (二)节庆活动营销的意义 .2
    (三)节庆消费的现状    3
    (四)节庆营销促销方法    4
    (五)节庆营销策略    4
    (751)与节庆消费密切相关的企业面临的问题    5
    三、会展对企业公共关系作用分析的调查问卷    8
    (一) 调查方法    8
    (二) 数据分析方法    8
    (三) 样本分布    8
    1、调查问卷的样本属性    .9
    2、评指标重要程度的描述统计量    9
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