    毕业论文关键词:人口老龄化 养老产业 发展对策
    Research on Xuzhou pension industry development strategy
    Abstract:At present, there are more than 70 countries around the world into an aging society, the deepening of degree of population aging, brought a lot of economic and social problems. At present, our country has become the world countries with high levels of population aging, with the increasing of aging population, pension industry demand is also growing. Xuzhou as Jiangsu Province’s second most populous city, has a serious aging of population problem , and developing pension industry for Xuzhou social and economic is of great significance.
    Based on the background of population aging, this paper first puts forward the concept of pension industry and economic and social significance, and then through the analysis of the existing data of Xuzhou pension industry development environment, the development of Xuzhou can develop the pension industry conclusions, then found that Xuzhou pension industry development of many problems, finally according to the actual situation of Xuzhou economic and social, put forward the corresponding solution countermeasures.
    This topic mainly using the methods of literature, questionnaire and SWOT analysis method, the condition of endowment and economic development of Xuzhou region, the problems appeared in the process of development are studied, and associated with practical countermeasures are put forward. Hope this topic research development of old-age industry to provide the reference for other cities, to promote the healthy development of urban economy and society, including Xuzhou.
    Key Words:aging of population, pension industry, development countermeasure
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景    1
    (二) 研究意义    2
    (三) 研究方法、框架及创新    2
    二、相关文献综述    3
    (一)国外学者对养老产业的研究综述    3
    (二)结论总结与见解    5
    三、徐州养老产业发展分析    5
    (一)徐州养老产业发展环境分析    5
    (二)徐州养老产业发展SWOT分析    8
    四、目前徐州养老产业发展存在的问题    10
    (一)“配设施,不配人”,养老服务中心“不服务 ”问题突出    10
    (二) 养老机构盈利较低,经营困难    11
    (三) 以房养老、旅游养老等新型养老产业模式发展缓慢    11
    五、徐州养老产业发展的对策    12
    (一) 加大养老服务人员供给,提高专业人员比例    12
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