    毕业论文关键词: 女大学生; 安全意识;自救能力; 解决措施
    The survey on the current circumstances of female university students’ sense of security and sufficient ability
    Abstract: Safety is the premise of social life as well as the basic factor for human beings. The bad news that female university students’ were out of touch last year caught many eyes and people started to doubt whether female university students’ had sense of security and sufficient ability which plays an important role in saving life and property and mitigating safety hazards. Thus, it’s necessary to investigate the current circumstances of sense of security and sufficient ability , the reasons behind it and the suggestion to solve it. In this paper, female university’s students in Shanghai are taken as sample to investigate the current circumstances of sense of security and sufficient ability and the reasons behind it by questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Finally, To secure the life and property of female university’s students, I’d like to make suggestions from inpidual, family, school and social perspectives on improving the female university’s students current circumstances of sense of security and sufficient ability and reducing the hurts of this kind.
    Keywords: female university student; sense of safety; sufficient ability; solving measures
    目 录
    引 言    1
    一、文献综述与研究构思    2
    (一) 文献综述    2
    1、安全意识概念界定    2
    2、大学生安全意识的研究现状    2
    3、大学生安全意识的影响因素    2
    4、提高大学生安全意识的对策    3
    5、研究趋势    3
    (二) 研究构思    3
    1、研究目的与方案    3
    2、研究意义    4
    3、研究方法    4
    二、高校女大学生安全意识与自救能力现状    4
    (一)女大学生生命、财产安全意识现状分析    5
    (二)女大学生网络安全意识现状分析    6
    (三)女大学生食品安全意识现状分析    8
    (四)女大学生心理安全意识现状分析    10
    (五)女大学生安全技能掌握情况分析    10
    三、高校女大学生安全意识与自救能力的影响因素    12
    (一)社会环境    12
    1、社会环境的变化    12
    2、 生活的网络化    12
    (二)学校教育    12
    1、女大学生安全教育缺乏系统性    12
    2、女大学生安全教育缺乏实效性    13
    3、女大学生安全教育缺乏针对性    13
    (三)家庭培养    13
    1、家庭教育环境的影响    13
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