毕业论文关键词: 大学生;盲从;微信营销
A Basic Research on the Issue of College Students Blindly Follow the Wechat Marketing
Abstract:Since Wechat of Tencent launched in the 21st January 2011, with its multi functions and strong social relationships chain, wechat has attracted a large number of users, according to a survey, the quantity users of wechat has grown to more than 6 million people. Following with the continuous improvement of wechat, more and more inpiduals and companies noticed the advantages of wechat on marketing. Therefore, they all joined in the battle of mobile chat for new era experience. However, for such an entertainment and leisure app, people usually do not focus on a period of time to play, but mostly play during the meal or when they waiting for bus. There is no doubt that mainly college students who owns the most fragmentary time. This essay sets college students as the research object, according to their own personality characteristics, family background, peer groups, school environment, try to analyze the reason why it is so popular nowadays for college students devote to wechat marketing as well as to analyze student’s awareness on wechat marketing. To summarize some characteristics and rules, found implicit factors in the problem, and finally find a solution. Firstly, my research can provide a correct theory analysis to the students who want to working on wechat marketing. Secondly, it reminds the students who couldn't find direction and method of wechat marketing, let the students to have a better understanding of wechat marketing and get rich.
KeyWords: college students; follow blindly; wechat marketing
目 录
引言 1
一、文献综述与研究构思 1
(一) 文献综述 1
1、 国内相关研究现状综述 1
2、 国外相关研究现状综述 2
3、 已有研究不足 3
(二) 研究构思 3
1、 研究目标与方案 3
2、 研究方法 3
二、校园微信营销的现状与存在的问题 4
(一) 校园微信营销的现状 4
1、 消费者的购买力不强 4
2、 可销售对象数量有限 4
(二) 校园微信营销存在的主要问题 4
1、 盲目跟从 4
2、 上当受骗 5
三、大学生在微信营销中盲从的原因 5
(一) 个体因素 5
1、 从众心理 5
2、 自我认知不正确 6
(二) 家庭因素 6
(三) 学校因素 6
1、 朋辈群体的影响 6
2、 学校没有开展微信营销的指导 7
- 上一篇:中小型城市房地产营销策略研究
- 下一篇:基于APP的产品运作模式研究与优化