    关键词  行政区划调整;居民身份认同;归属感;影响因素
    Title Sense of identity and belonging under the background
     of adjustment of administrative pision Research – a case study of Wuwei County in Anhui Province                   
    With the accelerating process of urbanization, the urban Development in China entered a new stage. In order to meet the evolving needs of the city,a series of adjustment also came into being. The changes of the administrative pisions, bringing not only administrative changes inownership,but also bring a series of emotional changes, related to the harmonious development of theself-identification of the residents and the city's future.2013 in Anhui Province, a major administrative changes that make the"chaohu" in such a large city ceased to exist, and counties under its jurisdiction have their own new home. Among them, the original and subjectto its jurisdiction of wuwei County into the arms of Wuhu city.In this paper, Wuwei County, Anhui Province, residents as theobject of study, through questionnaires, interviews, literature studies,this paper, this administrative pision adjustment of background sense ofidentity and sense of belonging of local residents conducted investigationand study.
    Through the research, the adjustment to the sense of community identity andsense of belonging of local residents have had some impact, but the overallresult of this adjustment is positive, the identity and sense of belongingof the residents at a good level, and is expected to rise further. This case can be adjusted for other administrative pisions provides relatedreferences and reference.
    Keywords  The adjustment of administrative pision; resident identity; the sense of belonging;influencing factors
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  问题的提出    1
    1.2  研究目的及意义    1
    1.3  研究方法    1
    1.4  相关文献综述    2
    1.5  基本概念界定    5
    2  相关事件回顾及背景介绍    7
    2.1  关于撤销“地级巢湖市”的事件回顾    7
    2.2  关于巢湖、无为的相关历史背景介绍    7
    3  具体调研工作的展开    10
    3.1  问卷设计    10
    3.2  样本基本情况    11
    4. 居民认同感与归属感调查结果与分析    13
    4.1  居民态度    13
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