    关键词  大学食堂  管理创新  大学  满意度 
    Title    A Study on Management and Innovation of University Canteen
    —Based on the Empirical Analysis of the Satisfaction Degree of ’s Canteen                  
    University canteen management which closely related to college students’ daily life and vital interests, is an important part of the students’ logistics support. Therefore, it has received widespread attention of scholars for the study of the innovation of university canteen management. Recent years, dining room has been facing the increasingly higher requirements due to the change of students' consumption perception, the increase of students' consumption level. At the same time, there has been existing a long time of irreconcilable contradictions between the public welfare of the university canteen  and market economy. Actually many canteens cannot make ends meet after government subsidies. Also, the system of college logistics management is short of innovation and exists a variety of risks which result in an endless stream of university canteen accidents for a long time; in addition, due to the rapid development of the catering industry, the university canteen also faces fierce competition outside. Under the background, the management and innovation of the University need further study. Many domestic and foreign scholars began to pay attention to the university canteen management problems and put forward kinds of solutions. But there are few researches of canteen management innovation according to the customer satisfaction theory which need further study and discussing.
    Keywords university canteen  management innovation  canteen satisfaction      analysis of solid evidence
    目   次
    1 引言 .1
    1.1选题背景及意义 .1
    1.2研究目的及方法 3
    1.4研究创新与不足 .4
    1.5 文献综述 4
    2  大学食堂满意度的实证分析.6
    2.1 调查问卷数据处理与分析6
    2.2 大学食堂存在的问题.12
    2.3 大学食堂问题的成因分析.13
    3   大学食堂管理创新办法——基于大学的调查.15
    3.1 突破固有管理理念.15
      结论 29
    致谢 20
    附录  大学食堂满意度调查问卷.22
    1  引言
    1.1  选题背景及意义
    1.1.1  选题背景  高校后勤食堂管理制度改革
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