    关键词  高校志愿者 志愿服务 激励机制
    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    Establishing and Improving the Incentive Mechanism  Activity of University Volunteer                                                
    China's communist youth league central since youth volunteer activity was launched in 1993, after 20 years of development, our country college volunteers growing, China's youth volunteer association registered more than forty million college students. In colleges and universities the vigorous development of voluntary service at the same time, the volunteers, the characteristics of the high turnover rate, low persistence gradually revealed, volunteers of universities and colleges to establish a scientific and effective incentive mechanism to mobilize the enthusiasm of college volunteers, to solve the problem of high turnover rate. This paper, by means of questionnaire to understand the motivation of volunteers to participate in volunteer service in colleges and universities and the evaluation of the current incentive mechanism, so as to put forward the problems existing in the current incentive mechanism in China, and proposes the optimization countermeasures according to the need of college volunteers.
    Keywords  University volunteer  Incentive mechanism  Voluntary service
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景及意义    1
    1.2文献综述    1
    1.3 研究方法    2
    2  志愿者激励的相关概念及理论基础    4
    2.1 相关概念    4
    2.2 理论基础    5
    3  我国高校志愿者服务概况    7
    3.1高校志愿者的起源和发展    7
    3.2高校志愿者服务活动的现状    7
    3.3高校志愿者服务的特点    10
    4  我国高校志愿者激励机制的现状及问题    12
    4.1高校志愿者的主要激励方式    12
    4.2高校志愿者激励机制存在的主要不足    13
    5  高校志愿者激励机制的优化建议    17
    5.1基本理念    17
    5.2外部激励机制的优化    18
    5.3加强志愿者自我激励    19
    结论    20
    致  谢    21
    参考文献    22
    1  绪论
    1.1 研究背景及意义
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