    关键词  居民利益表达机制;混合社区;问卷调查;利益表达机制完善的建议
    毕业论文外文摘 要
    Title  Mixed Community Governance Residents Benefit Expression System under Social Inclusion - A Case Study of Jilin L community
    After the founding of New China, community building, although there are twists and turns, but the overall point of view still has considerable development, community by the government-led, community residents gradually transformed into autonomous communities, establish and improve community residents benefit expression mechanism is the tide of the times. Residents benefit expression mechanism suitable for China on how to build a community of scholars is today a subject of concern. This paper applies literature research, survey research, comparative research methods such as a combination of methods to Jilin L community as a case, a detailed analysis of the case of a mixed community governance in the Social Inclusion of expression mechanism of interests of the residents, and for the reality of the typical community reforms are proposed: Taiwan Experience, community interests expression mechanism of boosting urban sound; a wide range of stakeholders to improve the structure; to build a sound support mechanisms.
    Keywords  Residents interest expression; Mixed communities; Questionnaire; Perfect expression of interest the proposed mechanism
    目   次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    选题背景与意义    1
    1.2    国内外关于社区管理的研究综述    3
    1.3    研究思路与方法    4
    2    相关概念的界定以及理论基础    5
    2.1    相关概念的界定    5
    2.2    相关理论基础    6
    2.3    城市社区利益表达机制的演变历程    9
    3    吉林市L社区居民利益表达机制现状    10
    3.1    吉林市L社区的基本情况及特点    10
    3.2    L社区各类型居民划分依据    13
    3.3    不同类型居民利益表达差异性分析    14
    3.4    L社区居民利益表达的现状及存在问题    35
    4    相关地区经验借鉴    36
    4.1    借鉴台湾社区管理模式    36
    4.2    学习社区自治模式    38
    5    促进L社区居民利益表达机制完善的建议    39
    5.1    完善多元化的利益主体结构    39
    5.2    构建完善配套机制    40
    结论        42
    致谢        43
    参考文献    44
    附录A      47
    1    绪论
    1.1    选题背景与意义
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