    关键词  政府网站  公众满意度  公众参与   信息公开
    Title      The public satisfaction survey of the   Government website construction          
    Government website as an information platform for the first, is our country all levels of government functions, to serve the society and the realization of the important channel of government information publicity. Domestic and foreign scholars on the government website construction also has a large number of research, but because our country electron government affairs develops, so there exist many problems in the construction of the domestic government website. As a government website, one of the audience of the public, their feedback is also plays an important role in development of government websites, the public satisfaction index as an important index for examination and assessment of website construction, so how to improve the public satisfaction is one of the focuses of the government website construction. Therefore, the public satisfaction from the aspects of government websites to research.
    Mainly through the study on the government website construction at home and abroad related research literature review, the public satisfaction based on public satisfaction index model at home and abroad for reference, build the public satisfaction evaluation index, and a questionnaire survey was conducted in nanjing government web site, for example. Through the issuance of the questionnaire to fill in, according to the summary summary results for nanjing government website the following conclusion: related website information timeliness, comprehensiveness, etc is bad, efficiency is low, online interactive officer people poor, web auxiliary function to ascend. And puts forward related Suggestions according to the results of the problem: intensify information disclosure and improve the level of online services, online interactive functions, strengthen site aided design function, the government website construction at home and abroad for reference, the excellent experience.
    Keywords  government website construction    public satisfaction survey
      Public participation     government affairs public
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    1.1  选题的背景和研究意义 1
    1.1.1  选题背景 1
    1.1.2  研究意义 2
    1.2  政府网站建设的公众满意度研究综述 2
    1.2.1  国内外政府网站建设研究综述 2
    1.2.2  国内外政府网站公众满意度评估研究综述 4
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