    关键词  城市失独家庭  养老保障  社会工作介入

    毕业论文外 文 摘 要
    Title    Research on the demand and service of pension security studies for the urban lose-single-child family
    The process of aging population has accelerated since the policy of birth control in China came in effect. Recently, a new expression lose-single-child family catches people's eyes and is widely concerned. This special community is facing the dilemma about how to living out their life in retirement, which is an urgent issue social workers should focus on. Based on the investigation and analysis in Nanjing, this paper combines the literature and empirical research method with observation and unstructured interviews, aimed at reflecting the necessity and feasibility that social workers should intervene into the lose-single-child family to provide countermeasure of elderly support system. Multiplex methods of providing for the aged such as creating the “lose-single-child family” data base, underwriting health and nursing-care insurance, scaling up the nursing institution for the aged and providing service by the social workers will be concluded and living quality of those losing-single-child parents will be expected to be improved.
    Keywords  urban "lose-single-child family"; pension security; social work involvement
    目   次
    1  引言  1
    1.1  研究背景  1
    1.2  研究意义  1
    1.3  研究方法  2
    1.4  可能的创新  4
    2  相关概念及理论支持  5
    2.1  相关概念界定  5
    2.2  研究的理论基础  5
    2.3   国内外相关研究综述  5
    3  城市失独家庭养老保障需求的调查分析  8
    3.1 调查设计  8
    3.2  城市失独家庭养老保障需求的相关访谈  8
    3.3 调查结论  8
    4  完善城市失独家庭养老保障的应对方案  9
    4.1  失独家庭养老保障政策支持  9
    4.2  失独家庭养老保障精神关怀  9
    4.3  社会工作者介入城市失独家庭养老保障  12
    5  结论与展望  13
    致谢  16
    参考文献  17
     1  引言
    1.1  研究背景
    1980年我国出台了《独生子女政策》,政策中规定已婚夫妇在生育一个子女以后不得再生育,子女在十八周岁以内夫妻双方通过申请和核实,可以获领《独生子女父母光荣证》并享受奖励和优待 。计划生育政策实施30多年,的确在一定程度上控制了人口,城市里的独生子女状况也已成主流。然而该政策的实施一方面加速了我国老龄化的进程,人口结构越来越不合理;另一方面独生子女家庭比以往的多子家庭承担了更多的风险,一旦独生子女遭遇不测,“失独父母”这一群体便产生了,在丧子之后的心理创伤治疗和迈入老年期的养老问题都接踵而至。当前政策对这一群体养老保障方面关注较少,也没有完善的服务,因此笔者希望通过实地调查获取失独家庭的养老需求,探索出一条合理的、多元的、可持续的城市失独家庭养老服务道路。
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