    毕业论文关键词:移动互联网 微信 微信营销  林清轩
    Analysis of Corporate WeChat Marketing
    -- Cosmetics Co.,Ltd. in Shanghai Lin Qingxuan Case
    Abstract: With the progress of era, the development of science and technology, The 21st century has become the mobile Internet era, and smart phones as the carrier of the mobile internet is becoming a part of people's lives. WeChat, another tencent group, as a powerful mobile dating platform, growing rapidly on the basis of QQ users, become a wide range of user groups. Since early 2011, WeChat users have been showing a rising trend, the current development has exceeded the amount of over 700 million users. Especially WeChat newly created public account function released, Some of the sense of smell merchants discovered a new way of marketing side, have to pay attention to WeChat marketing, WeChat marketing was born.
    This paper takes Shanghai Lin Qingxuan cosmetics co., LTD as an example, In brief WeChat development present situation, WeChat marketing based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages according to the enterprise WeChat marketing status quo that Lin Qingxuan of Shanghai WeChat marketing cosmetics enterprise in the brand, channel selection, promotion model, the influence of the customer relationship, and the problems it is in the use of wechat marketing that exists and some suggestions on this basis.
    Key words: mobile internet   wechat    wechat marketing   Lin qingxuan
    一、微信与微信营销    1
    (一)微信    1
    (二)微信营销    4
    二、林清轩企业微信营销现状分析    7
    (一)企业简述    7
    (二)企业微信营销策略分析    8
    (三)微信营销对企业的影响    9
    三、林清轩企业微信营销所面临的问题    11
    (一)服务效率低    11
    (二)用户体验度不高、流动性大    12
    (三)营销方式单一    12
    四、林清轩企业应用微信营销的建议    12
    (一)提高服务效率    12
    (二)增强受众粘性    13
    (三)形成有特色的微信营销方式    14
    五、总结    14
    参考文献    16
    微信是腾讯公司于2011年初推出的一款可以快速发送文字和照片、支持多人语音对讲的手机聊天软件。用户可以通过手机、平板、电脑网页等快速利用微信息发送语音、视频、图片和文字。微信提供公众平台、朋友圈、消息推送、多人群聊、位置分享等功能,用户可以通过摇一摇、搜索微信号码、附近的人、漂流瓶、扫二文码、雷达等方式添加好友和关注公众平台,同时微信会将内容分享给好友以及将用户看到的精彩内容分享到微信朋友圈。[ ]
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