    毕业论文关键词: 城市品牌   绿色贵州    产业集群发展
     Based on city brand and industrial clusters development
    of Guizhou province
    Abstract: Guizhou Province is located in southwest China, has been known for poverty and backwardness, but with the changes in recent years, the Earth's environment, Guizhou Province also frequently ecological, livable and other terms active in the media. This slight change, in my opinion, Guizhou Province will give a huge space for development, it is precisely because of this I have proposed a "green Guizhou" concept. In the "green Guizhou" the idea of forming the "first industry" cluster related businesses will win a good reputation at home and abroad, to obtain a higher brand value, thus ensuring sales of their products. At the same time, if the company can feel the city brand awareness and give enormous benefits to bring their own, then they will spontaneously participate in city brand building, maintenance and publicity, improve the city brand awareness, brand reputation to ensure that the city made win-win results.
    In this paper, I will review current research city brand, before the definition and characteristics of urban brand and industrial clusters, discusses the importance of Guizhou Province and the city brand and feasibility of development of industrial clusters "green Guizhou" "first industry" and make their own suggestions.
    Key Words:city brand,  Green Guizhou, Industrial cluster development
    目 录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)引言    1
    (二)研究背景和目的    1
    二、城市品牌的基本理论    3
    (一)城市品牌的概念    3
    (二)城市品牌的特质    3
    三、产业集群的基本理论    4
    (一)产业集群概念    4
    (二) 产业集群的特征    5
    (三)国内产业集群的规划    6
    (四)国内二三线城市的现状    8
    四、贵州省城市品牌和产业集群发展现状及研究    8
    (一)城市品牌与产业集群的关系    8
    (二)贵州省城市品牌和产业发展现状    9
    (三)贵州省城市品牌和产业集群发展研究    10
    五、“绿色贵州”和“第一产业”产业集群的SWOT分析    10
    (一)优势(strength)    11
    (二)劣势(weakness)    11
    (三)机会(opportunity)    12
    (四)威胁(threats)    13
    751、“绿色贵州”和“第一产业”产业集群的问题与对策    13
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