    [摘要] 足球是当今世界最具影响力的一项竞技运动和体育文化产业。虽然中国足球产业市场化进程已经走过了二十多个年头,但由于体制落后,足球俱乐部经营状况、运营管理和比赛成绩都不高,使得中国足球水平低下、饱受国人诟病。对比国外俱乐部,可以发现中国足球俱乐部在运营管理模式、品牌运营、企业文化等方面,均存在着巨大的差距,表现为缺少品牌意识、俱乐部经营管理没有自主权、企业文化落后等多个层面。学习、借鉴国外优秀足球俱乐部的管理理  、运营模式、青训体系和文化导向,注重俱乐部自身的文化品牌运营,建立健全科学合理、先进完善的运营管理模式,提高管理水平,为球队提供更多更好更为充足的资金、训练条件、医疗服务、设备设施、后勤保障以及青少年梯队培养等训练与管理方面的投入和支持。只有这样,中国足球俱乐部才能逐渐减小与欧美足球俱乐部之间的差距,才能创造一个更加健康的足球环境,中国足球产业和体育文化产业才能取得更大的发展和成就。36241
    毕业论文关键词] 中国足球俱乐部;  发展模式;  文化产业视角
    Talking about the operation and management of Chinese football club
                         —— Based on the perspective of cultural industries
    Abstract: Football is the most influential competitive sport and sports culture industry in the world.Although market process of China’s football industry has gone through more than 20 years,the low lever of Chinese football suffers from criticism, because of the institutional backwardness, the operating conditions of football club,and the lower operations management and competition.Contrast foreign clubs, China football clubs can be found a hug gap in many aspect,such as the operation management, brand management, corporate culture, etc.showing that a lack of brand awareness, the deficient corporate culture,also the club management does not have multiple levels of autonomy .First of on,to learn the management philosophy,business running model, the youth system and cultural orientation from the excellent foreign football club.Secondly,focusing on the club's own cultural brand management, football clubs could 
    establish and improve the scientific and rational, advance mode of operation and management,and improve the management level, since the team to provide more much better more adequate funding, training conditions, medical services, equipment and facilities, logistical support and training,also other teenagers echelon training and management of investment and support. Only in this way, Chinese football club will gradually reduce the gap between Europe and the United Football Club, in order to create a more healthy environment of football, Chinese football industry and sports and cultural industries will achieve greater development and achievements.
    Keywords: Chinese football club; development model; the perspective of cultural industry
    一、引言  1-3
    1、研究背景 1
    2、研究方法 1-2
    (三)课题研究现状 2-3
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