    Performance evaluation, also known we also called  performance assessment, performance appraisal and so on. It refers to the director of enterprise performance and employee work to make the system of evaluation. Through the development of scientific and reasonable performance evaluation system, To promote enterprise, incentive mechanism and human resources training system gradually perfect, To solve social and urgent attention to human resources development benefit maximization problem, for the government and administrative departments to carry out performance evaluation model of technical personnel for reference.
    Firstly, this paper introduces the research results of the performance evaluation and related theories of scholars at home and abroad. Secondly, Baiyin Nonferrous Metals Group Company as the research object, analyzes the current situation of employee performance evaluation and put forward the existing problems.
    According to the TOPSIS theory model, make the optimization of performance evaluation.
    Finally, the empirical analysis, put forward the corresponding optimization suggestion. The purpose of the research is to improve company performance, optimize the allocation of human resources, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.
    Keywords: performance evaluation; TOPSIS method; Baiyin Nonferrous Metals Group company.
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    第一章 绪论    5
    1.1    研究的背景    5
    1.2    国内外研究现状与发展趋势    5
    1.2.1    国外研究现状与发展趋势    5
    1.2.2    国内研究现状与发展趋势    6
    1.3    研究的意义及目的    6
    1.4    研究的思路及方法    7
    1.4.1    研究思路    7
    1.4.2    研究方法    8
    1.5    论文的主要内容    9
    第二章 绩效评价相关理论综述    9
    2.1绩效评价的意义    9
    2.1.1评价的方法    9
    2.1.2绩效评价的原则    10
    2.2TOPSIS方法理论    10
    第三章 企业及员工绩效评价概况和分析    12
    3.1公司简介    12
    3.2目前绩效评价存在的问题    13
    第四章 绩效评价模型的构建及实证分析    14
    4.1原则    14
    4.2构建评价体系    14
    4.3权重的计算    15
    4.4效益值的定义    17
    4.5实证分析    18
    第五章 模型评价及优化建议    21
    5.1模型的优点    21
    5.2 模型的缺点    21
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