    Present Situation and Existing Problems of The Manpower Resource of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Henan Province
        Abstract: With the development of economic globalization, economic competition and the rapid development of high-tech, human resources have became the first resource for enterprise development, the progress of science and technology, become the source of human wealth, economic progress.Companies must be with sufficient number, the structure is reasonable, quality excellent talent as a guarantee to enhance the competitiveness of its human resources . So we must make scientific human resources management, grasp the direction of future human resources development and scale, take measures to strengthen human resources management, development, create new heights of human resources competition . According to human resource configuration optimization goal, in order to guarantee the implementation of the enterprise development strategy, in order to comprehensively strengthen the perspective of human resource management, from the updating concept, organizational innovation, mechanism innovation from three aspects, systematically presents the countermeasures of implementing human resource allocation problems.
        Key words: Human resources; Configuration; The status quo. Problems and Countermeasures
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、相关概念的界定    2
    (一)人力资源的概念    2
    (二)人力资源配置的概念    2
    (三)中小企业的界定    3
    二、人力资源配置的理论概述    ....3
    (一)人力资源配置的产生与发展    3
    (二)人力资源配置应遵循的原则    4
    (三)人力资源配置的重要性    5
    三、河南省中小企业人力资源配置的现状与问题    5
    (一)中小企业人力资源配置现状的调查    5
    (二)中小企业人力资源配置的问题    9
    四、河南省中小企业人力资源配置的对策    11
    (一)设置独立的人力资源管理部门    11
    (二)提高人力资源整体素质,做好员工培训    12
    (三)建立科学合理的激励机制,减少员工的离职率    13
    (四)建设企业文化,营造良好氛围    13
    参考文献    14
    附录    15
    致谢    18
  1. 上一篇:小微企业员工培训问题研究
  2. 下一篇:大学生校外兼职劳动权益保障问题研究
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  4. 中小企业出纳岗位工作中存在的问题及对策

  5. 中小企业出纳岗位工作中存在问题及对策

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