    摘  要:随着社会发展、高校扩招以及就业形式的日益严峻,大学生从事兼职已经是普遍存在的现象。目前,大学生在校外兼职时面临着相关法律法规不健全、相关部门保护不到位、高校的监督指导不到位、舆论媒体的监督职能缺失、大学生兼职过程中法律意识薄弱等诸多问题。针对这些问题大学生自身应该增强文权意识提高自我保护能力,学会认识中介机构的合法性。学校应充分发挥勤工俭学部门的作用,加强对学生兼职的教育并对大学生的消费观点进行引导,提供用人单位和学生的双向选择平台。政府应从完善相关法律法规、加强监督、适当借鉴国外相关经验等方面进行着手,更好的保护校外兼职大学生的劳动权益。38855
    Study on Labor Rights Protection Problems of College Students’ Off-campus Part-time Job
    Abstract: Along with the social development, college enrollment expansion and growing in the form of employment, college students working part-time has been a common phenomenon. Currently, part-time students in the school is facing relevant laws and regulations are not perfect, industrial and commercial judicial protection is not in place, the supervision and guidance of university is not in place, the media's lack of oversight functions of public opinion, part-time college students in the process of legal consciousness is weak, and many other problems. To solve these problems the students themselves should be enhanced to improve awareness of rights to protect themselves, learn to recognize the legitimacy of agency. Schools should give full play to the role of work-study departments, strengthen education and part-time college student consumer perspective to boot, provides employers and students choose two-way platform. Government should improve relevant laws and regulations, strengthen supervision, appropriate learn from foreign experience in areas such as working, labor rights and better protect school part-time college students.
    Key  Words: College students ; Off-campus part-time job; Labor rights and interests 
     目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、 大学生校外兼职的概念    2
    (一)大学生兼职的定义    2
    二、大学生校外兼职的原因    3
    (一)大学生自身方面    3
    (二)社会方面    4
    三、大学生校外兼职权益受侵害的现状    4
    (一) 经济权益受到侵害    5
    (二)人身权益受到侵害    5
    四、大学生校外兼职劳动权益受侵害的原因    5
    (一)相关法律法规不健全    5
    (二)相关部门的保护不到位    6
    (三)高校的指导不到位    6
    (四)兼职的劳动力市场不成熟    6
    (五)大学生兼职过程中法律意识单薄    7
    五、保障大学生校外兼职劳动权益的建议    8
    (一)政府方面    8
    (二)学校方面    9
    (三)个人方面    10
    参考文献    12
    致谢    13
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