    From the institutional allocationto social investment: the urban minimum living security system resources change research
    Abstract: China's current urban minimum living security system just stay in the living assistance level, does not fundamentally solve the problem of low family poverty. This is mainly through the channels of China's current low funding research, analysis of institutional distribution of defects in the supply of funds to explore the institutional constraints assigned action and optimize the current system of allocation, while focusing on how to expand the urban minimum living security funds allocated for the centers on the concept of investment, the final round of investment allocated to discuss their design choices and implementation strategies, and explore how to expand the urban minimum living security funding sources designed to fundamentally solve the existing urban minimum living security problems system.system.
    Key words:   institutional allocation;Investment allocation;Minimum living security system;Resource changes
    目  录
    一、研究背景与分析视角    4
    二、 文献回顾与研究路径    5
    三、理论基础与核心概念    6
    (一)凯恩斯福利国家理论    6
    (二)吉登斯投资性国家理论    7
    (三)核心概念    8
    四、城市居民最低生活保障制度资源的运行情况与基本特征    9
    (一)运行情况    9
    1.低保资金的筹集    9
    2.低保资金使用及其效果    9
    (二)基本特征    10
    1.政府对低保资源具有主导性地位    10
    2.低保资金在分配过程中实行专款专用    10
    3.中央和地方两者筹资主体的博弈    10
    五、制度性分配的行动约束:城市居民最低生活保障制度资源的现实困境与反思    11
    (一)地方财政投入低保资金不足    11
    (二)政压力大、资金缺口大、来源窄    11
    (三)救助不充分和救助不可及    12
    (四)资金到位的“时间差”    12
    (五)对现实困境的反思    12
    751、社会投资性分配的制度设计:城市居民最低生活保障制度资源的改变策略    13
    (一)总体思路与目标要求    13
    (二)开增社会保障税以及发行专项福利彩票    14
    (三)加大非政府组织以及境外力量筹资力度    14
    (四)鼓励慈善事业筹集资金    14
    (五)将暂时闲置的低保资金进行投资    15
    七、讨论与总结:替代性还是双重性?    15
    致谢    16
    参考文献    16
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