



    An analysis on the marketing channel of AOTO company


    Marketing channel management is a very important part of enterprise strategy management, the status and importance of marketing channels in the enterprise marketing is more and more significant. The participants in the marketing channel, the partners, can have a great impact on the final results of the product marketing. According to the current situation, only truly able to manage the marketing channels, including the management and control of marketing channels of rich and middleman channel, in order to allow enterprises to both short-term product marketing, or strategic level, with a solid foundation and guarantee.

    This will stand in the perspective of enterprise of type of production, to a production enterprise as an example, on the problems of the marketing channel are analyzed, after the discovery of the existence of marketing channels in, by SWOT, pest and five forces model of combined use is environmental opportunities and constraints to build enterprise marketing channels, and forward corresponding suggestions for the management of marketing channels, to solve their practical problems, mainly in three aspects, namely the establishment of marketing channels, the intermediate business management and channel conflict management.

    Key Words: marketing channels;production oriented enterprises;intermediary business;channel conflict;environmental opportunities and restrictions





    一  引言 1

    (一)研究背景 1

    (二)研究方法 2

    (三)研究意义 3

    二 营销渠道相关理论 4

    (一) 营销渠道的建立 4

    (二) 中间商管理 4

    (三) 营销渠道冲突管理 5

    三 AOTO公司营销渠道 6

    (一) AOTO公司简介 6

    (二) AOTO公司营销渠道介绍 6

        (三) AOTO公司营销渠道存在的问题7

    四 AOTO公司营销渠道创新与完善 8

    (一) 建立适合AOTO公司的营销渠道 8

    (二) 中间商管理 10

    (三) 营销渠道冲突管理和解决方法 11

    (四) AOTO公司新营销渠道模式 14

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