



    In recent years, the Internet has upended many industries, as the vanguard of the local life service catering service industry is a localization of O2O in a hotly contested spot, and the online takeaway mode is the dining O2O the most competitive one. College students are a special group of consumers, they tend to try new things, accept new things. Based on the above, this article will take Hangzhou Xiasha University City as an example, according to the established theories of the customer satisfaction index system design model of the influence factors of online ordering of customer satisfaction in University City, in the form of a questionnaire survey to explore influencing factors of University City customer satisfaction questionnaire, using SPSS19.0 analysis results, and ultimately determine the influence factors of customer satisfaction in University online ordering City. According to the empirical results, the influencing factors and puts forward some effective counter measures and prospect.

    Keyword: catering O2O;online ordering; customer satisfaction; catering industry; factor

    目录 2

    摘要 4


    1.引言 5

    1.1研究的背景及意义 5

    1.1.1研究的背景 5

    1.1.2研究的意义 5

    1.2研究内容 6

    1.3本文的创新点 6

    1.4研究方法 6

    1.5技术路线 7

    2.文献综述 7

    2.1顾客满意度影响因素研究 7

    2.2 餐饮顾客满意度影响因素研究 8

    2.3 餐饮O2O顾客满意度影响因素研究 8

    3.大学城餐饮O2O在线外卖顾客满意度影响因素模型构建 9

    3.1研究对象 9

    3.2餐饮O2O在线外卖模式流程 9

    3.2大学城本地化O2O餐饮服务顾客满意度影响因素分析 10

    3.2.1平台页面设计 10

    3.2.2平台信息质量 10

    3.2.3餐厅多样性 10

    3.2.4支付方式 11

    3.2.5营销活动 11

    3.2.6评价质量 11

    3.2.7商家配送 11

    3.2.8食物性价比 11


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