

    Abstract: The process of urbanization is accompanied by the citizenship of peasants. The separation of peasants and land resulted in the plight of unemployment among most farmers, especially among wealthy farmers. Employment aspirations of wealthy farmers play an extremely important role in solving the problem of unemployment. Based on the research in employment aspirations of wealthy farmers who had lost their farms in Cangqian, Hangzhou, we described the basic features of employment aspirations of landless wealthy farmers by crosstabs firstly, and then tested the significance of all the factors using binary logistic regression. On the basic of investigations and studies, found in the re-employment of landless rich peasants, there is a situation of selective employment and combination of inter-generational dependency and automatic domestic employment. So, we put forward specific suggestions to this end in accordance with the wishes and employment factors.

    毕业论文关键词:失地富裕农民; 就业意愿; 影响因素

    Keyword: landless wealthy farmers ;employment aspirations ;relevant factors

    目    录

    一、概念、数据与方法 4

    (一)失地农民 4

    (二)失地富裕农民 4

    (三)就业意愿 4

    (四)研究假设、数据和方法 4

    1.研究假设 4

    2.研究数据 5

    3.调查方法 5

    二、调查结果及其分析 5

    (一)失地富农就业意愿影响因素的交叉表分析 5

    1.年龄对就业意愿的影响 5

    2.性别因素对就业意愿的影响 6

    3.文化程度对就业意愿的影响 6

    4.家庭人口对就业意愿的影响 7

    5.征地用途对就业意愿的影响 7

    6.就业地点对就业意愿的影响 8

    (二)对失地富农就业意愿影响因素的Logistic回归分析 8

    (三)小结 9

    三、发现与讨论 9

    (一)失地富农的选择性就业 9

    (二)隔代抚养与家庭自主就业相结合的就业模式 9

    四、进一步提高失地富农就业的政策建议 10

    (一)加强教育培训,增强失地富农的就业能力 10

    1.就近建立失地农民就业培训基地 10


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