


    Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid development of e-commerce and location services, more and more applications based on LBS electronic commerce appear. From the initial single sign model to now combined living services, social networking and many other models, this kind of application reflects its great value when it convenient people's life. However, there is still a large space for it to grow due to the different consumption habits, the difference in user requirements, different models of development, the external environment and so many other factors.

    This paper will analyze the current situation of the development of this industry, customer value and other aspects, to sum up the past and present typical application mode. According to the questionnaire survey and conjoint analysis, through user feedback and analysis, summarizes the different user preference to show the customer value more directly. To provide a reference for the enterprises in the industry on the choose of use which mode, to help them better to complete the planning positioning products. At the same time, find out the existing problems in this industry and put forward some suggestions to promote its healthy development……

    毕业论文关键词:基于位置服务; 移动电子商务; 需求分析; 影响因素

    Keyword: Location Based Services; Mobile E-commerce; Demand Analysis;Factor

    目    录

    一、引言 4

    (一)研究背景 4

    (二)研究内容 4

    (三)本文创新点 5


    (一)LBS技术相关研究 5

    (二)移动电子商务相关研究 5

    (三)研究中存在的问题 6


    (一)LBS概述 6

    (二)LBS早期应用模式 6

    (三)现有主要应用模式分析 7

    (四)调查问卷 8


    (一)模式属性及属性水平的确立 12

    (二)产品模拟 12

    (三)数据的调查采集及效用分析 13


    (一)存在的问题 14

    (二)建议 14

    八、结束语 15

    参考文献 15

    致谢 16


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