    In recent years, with the rapid development of the tourism industry, people of different strata of the society gradually participate, College Students' Tourism has become China's tourism market is an important part, and has great prospects for development. Based on the Nanjing University student tourism consumption sample survey, psychological, behavioral characteristics of tourism consumption Students research and analysis to better understand this huge consumer groups Students for tourism enterprises in the tourism source markets aspects of development, expanding tourism market, advocacy, decision-making provide reference reference function, and ultimately improve profitability.
    1, the vast majority of university students' attitude toward tourism activities performance support.
    2, the concept of college students for tourism consumption, most of the spending is selective consumption, and in personally meaningful ways to spend, there are also some will be calculated and planned to spend, unless necessary expenses, basically not to consume, to a small number of frugality consciousness is not strong, some think it is meaningful consumption over budget cost has nothing to do, have no idea, follow the crowd.
    3, most college students tend to travel by myself. none of the respondents first consider whether there is a tour guide that. The price of the college students for the tourism consumption is very sensitive, weather conditions for tourism, scenic scenery, travel distance and the security situation is also very seriously, for other travel related aspects are also considered.
    Key words: college students; tourism consumer psychology; tourism Consumer behavior
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究意义    1
    1.3 研究综述    1
    第二章  调查对象和方法    3
    2.1 调查对象    3
    2.2 调查方法    3
    第三章  问卷数据与结果分析    4
    3.1 被调查者的基本情况分析    4
    3.2 旅游的态度、目的和消费观念分析    4
    3.2.1 旅游态度    4
    3.2.2 旅游目的    5
    3.2.3 旅游消费观念    6
    3.3 南京大学生旅游偏好情况分析    7
    3.3.1 获取信息的途径    7
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