    ABSTRACT With the development of economy and society in China, the continuous expansion of the road traffic, the rapid increase in the number of small third-party logistics enterprises in our country, logistics industry, transport vehicles continues to grow, reasonable transportation management and scheduling operation has increasingly become an important problem in our country society.
      This article first analyzes the status of the transportation management of small and medium sized third party logistics enterprises in our country, and discusses the problem of the capacity and the transportation scheduling of the small and medium-sized enterprises. And then elaborated the related aspects of the theoretical basis, the next to the Nanjing GangHao logistics company profile and evaluation of its service level. Then it focuses on the research of transportation management. At last, according to actual situation of the company, put forward a number of reasonable optimization recommendations to the company. China's many small and medium-sized logistics enterprises also exist, if you can improve the rectification, then China's third party logistics industry will be more on the floor.
    Key Words:transportation management; dispatching; road transportation; the 3PL company
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    第一章  我国中小型第三方物流企业运输管理现状分析    1
    1.1我国公路运输发展现状    1
    1.2中小型运输企业运力分析    2
    1.3研究中小型运输企业运输管理的意义    3
    1.4运输调度的现状分析    3
    第二章  相关理论基础    4
    2.1钢材物流及第三方物流的概念    4
    2.2公路运输的特点    4
    2.3钢材运输的特点    4
    2.4车辆调度相关概念    5
    第三章  钢好物流公司运输管理现状及调度问题分析    7
    3.1钢好物流公司的简介    7
    3.2钢好物流公司的物流服务水平    7
    3.3钢好物流公司运输管理问题研究    7
    第四章  对钢好物流公司的优化建议    9
    4.1加强对信息的管理    9
    4.2注重人才培养    9
    4.3完善公司规章制度    10
    4.4横向联合及客户维护    10
    结束语    12
    致  谢    13
    参考文献    14
    第一章  我国中小型第三方物流企业运输管理现状分析
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