    ABSTRACT This paper firstly analyzes the development situation and trend of kitchen electric industry. And based on the actual of kitchen electric industry, think that market competition is more intense and complex during the national much starker choices and graver consequences because the next buyer dominates the premise kitchen electric product. In order to seize market share, the middle and lower reaches of the node enterprises will have cooperation relationship in the integration of resources, information sharing, thus forming a virtual dynamic alliance to improve the overall competitiveness of the supply chain. Therefore, seek the two-stage electric kitchen supply chain inventory optimization with manufacturer sand retailers, which has important practical value. Secondly, electric kitchen, kitchen electric supply chains, two-stage, inventory, and other related concepts are introduced, and analyze the two-stage kitchen electrical characteristics and supply chain inventory management model. Finally, taking a two-stage kitchen electric supply chain in the Lianyungang area as an example, analyze its current development status of the industry as well as inventory management, and give it a corresponding optimization strategies, at the same time build the appropriate inventory management model.
    Key words:Stochastic demand; two stage; electric kitchen supply chain;
    Inventory Optimization
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1选题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2国内研究现状分析    2
    第二章  相关理论基础    4
    2.1相关概念描述    4
    2.2两阶段厨电供应链库存系统的费用分析    5
    2.3两阶段厨电供应链库存的特点    5
    2.4两阶段厨电供应链库存管理模式    6
    第三章  连云港地区的两阶段厨电供应链库存管理现状    7
    3.1连云港地区的厨电行业发展现状    7
    3.2连云港地区的两阶段厨电供应链库存管理现状    8
    第四章  连云港地区的两阶段厨电供应链库存管理策略    9
    4.1引入JMI管理模式对链条进行优化    9
    4.2稳定厨电产品零售商的销售价格    13
    第五章  连云港地区的两阶段厨电供应链库存管理模型    14
    5.1假设前提    14
    5.2建立数学模型    15
    5.3模型求解思路    16
    5.4算例分析    17
    结束语    21
    致  谢    22
    参考文献    23
    附件A:关于连云港地区厨电企业的销售现状调查样卷    25
  1. 上一篇:歌博铸造徐州有限公司营销战略+SWOT分析+PEST分析
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