    Hotel culture is a branch of corporate culture, the rise in the hotel industry more developed western countries. Practice has proved that the hotel culture in the hotel management has played an active role in promoting the development of the hotel industry. There are many factors that affect the development of the hotel. The hotel's marketing strategy for the development of the hotel has a great guiding role. Then, the hotel culture on the hotel's marketing strategy will have a certain impact. Jinling Hotel has more than 30 years of history from its inception. Jinling Hotel from the beginning of the establishment of a lot of experience, in the process of constantly trying to find a suitable for their own development of the marketing strategy.Jinling Hotel to win in the competition, you need to have a strong corporate culture, to be able to maintain a lasting vitality and core competitiveness. The management of the hotel can not be separated from the management of the hotel culture, the hotel culture is the connotation and temperament of enterprise personality, and it is the character and style of the enterprise.So as to establish a good hotel culture, to make the hotel in an invincible position.
    On the basis of studying the culture and marketing of the Jinling Hotel, this paper analyzes the influence of the hotel culture on the marketing strategy, and puts forward its own opinions.
    Keywords:Hotel culture, marketing strategy, influence, Jinling Hotel
     目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1研究的背景    1
    1.2研究意义    1
    1.3研究思路与研究方法    2
    第二章  国内外相关研究综述    3
    2.1国外相关研究    3
    2.1.1国外酒店文化的研究    3
    2.1.2国外酒店营销的研究    3
    2.2国内相关研究    3
    2.2.1国内酒店文化的研究    3
    2.2.2国内酒店营销的研究    4
    第三章  金陵饭店的酒店文化及现状分析    5
    3.1金陵饭店的简介    5
    3.2金陵饭店的酒店文化    6
    3.2.1金陵饭店的物质文化    6
    3.2.2金陵饭店的制度行为文化    6
    3.2.3金陵饭店的精神文化    7
    3.3金陵饭店的酒店文化现状数据分析    8
    3.3.1 问卷的设计与发放    8
    3.3.2金陵饭店的酒店文化现状数据分析    9
    第四章  金陵饭店的营销现状及分析    12
    4.1金陵饭店的营销现状    12
    4.2金陵饭店的营销现状数据分析    13
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