     Abstract Celebrity effect research at home and abroad, the first generation of the tour Saint Xu Xiake is also one of the country's competitive celebrity brand. As the former residence of Xu Xiake, Jiangyin, Jiangyin City, naturally become a historical and cultural celebrities brand, no matter where, celebrity cultural tourism is an important part of tourism. People of celebrity worship and adore, not only to pay tribute and curious, pay more attention to celebrity behind the historical culture and profound educational meaning, to provide learning and reference.Through celebrity effect to attract tourists, not only can promote the development of the local tourism industry, bring economic and cultural benefits, but also to deepen the excavation of celebrity resources, protection and inheritance, to achieve a win-win situation.This paper through the literature analysis method and questionnaire method to collect relevant data and further research celebrity effect on tourism attraction, in-depth analysis of Xu Xiake Jiangyin City tourism attraction to influence and impact of factors, and Reflection on the cause of the problem and conclusion, final results for Jiangyin celebrity tourism resources development and Xu Xiake's brand construction.
    Key words:  celebrity effect;tourist destination;attractive;influence factor
     目  录
    第一章  绪 论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究意义    1
    1.2.1理论意义    1
    1.3研究内容    2
    1.3.1理论    2
    1.3.2实证    2
    1.4技术路线    3
    1.5研究方法    3
    1.5.1文献分析法    3
    1.5.2问卷调查法    4
    第二章  相关概念及理论基础    5
    2.1概念    5
    2.1.1名人效应    5
    2.1.2旅游地吸引力    5
    2.2研究综述    5
    2.2.1国外研究综述    5
    2.2.2国内研究综述    7
    2.3理论基础    8
    2.3.1需求层次理论    8
    第三章  旅游吸引力构成及影响因素分析    9
    3.1旅游地吸引力的结构组成    9
    3.1.1旅游资源吸引力系统    9
    3.1.2旅游服务吸引力系统    10
    3.1.3旅游环境吸引力系统    10
    3.2影响旅游吸引力的因素    11
    第四章  基于名人效应对旅游目的地吸引力的分析——以徐霞客博览园为例    12
    4.1基于名人效应的旅游目的地    12
    4.2调查问卷    12
    4.2.1调查问卷的设计    12
    4.2.2调查问卷得发放与回收    12
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