     ABSTRACT South Korea is one of the most popular destinations for Chinese tourists, from the end of 2014, South Korea more than Thailand became China's first major tourist destination. In 2015, the number of China Korea reached 150 thousand people, a record high. This paper takes the Chinese tourists in Jeju Island, South Korea as the research object, and from the perspective of tourism destination image to collect statistics on South Korea's Jeju Island tourist destination image description, it is concluded that South Korea's Jeju Island has beautiful natural landscape, rich cultural landscape, the characteristic flavor of Korean cuisine, rich and colorful recreational activities, complete shopping facilities, high-quality service personnel, convenient traffic image understanding. On the basis of this, an interview analysis was conducted on the subjects of the questionnaire survey for further understanding of the image of Chinese tourists in the tourist destination of Jeju Island before and after the trip. The study found that Chinese tourists have a certain difference in the image perception of Jeju Island and the image of travel after the trip. Among them, the food and beverage quality is high and has the characteristics of the biggest difference, the quality of service personnel is the least difference. The feedback information obtained from the analysis of the study will help to understand the advantages of learning Korean in the tourism destination image, and provide the basis for the construction of tourism destination image in China. The results of this paper is to provide the basis and suggestions for the further development of Chinese outbound tourism.
    Key words:  Jeju island of South Korean; Tourism destination image; Contrast before and after travel
     目  录
    摘  要    2
    ABSTRACT    3
    第一章  前言    4
    1.1研究的背景    4
    1.2研究的目的与意义    5
    1.2.1研究的目的    5
    1.2.2研究的意义    5
    1.3研究内容    6
    1.4研究方法    6
    1.4.1文献综述法    6
    1.4.2问卷调查法    6
    1.4.3访谈法    7
    1.5研究思路    7
    第二章 文献综述与问卷指标的选择    8
    2.1形象及旅游目的地形象的定义及内涵    8
    2.1.1形象的定义    8
    2.1.2旅游目的地形象的定义及内涵    8
    2.2旅游目的地形象的构成要素    9
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