    关键词: 激励机制;事业单位;公益服务
    Public service institution staff incentive mechanism research
    ——In zhunyi seventh middle school for example
    Abstract: Nonprofit cultural undertakings as a national cultural construction is an important aspect, is also the main content of the cultural system reform in our country, it embodies the spirit of national culture construction level. Cultural services with public welfare non-profit cultural institutions, in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization in our country has a unique status. In this paper, from the Angle of the nonprofit cultural institutions staff motivation, emphatically analyzed the nonprofit cultural institutions staff incentive mechanism in our country. The integrated use of literature, the empirical study method and other research methods, combined with management science, psychology, administrative science and other multi-disciplinary theories and the practice of the author research and draw lessons from a variety of incentive theory, to our country non-profit cultural institutions staff incentive mechanism has carried on the system research, trying to explore building a set of targeted, more scientific and reasonable, complete employee incentive mechanism. Development for employees to create a good working environment, make the management potential of nonprofit cultural institutions in China. The paper mainly analyzes the nonprofit cultural institutions in the aspect of employee motivation the main problems and the cause of the problem, and on this basis on how to improve employee motivation in China listed some way.
    Keywords: excitation mechanism  institution  public service
    目   录

    一、绪论    5
    (一) 研究目的和意义    5
    1、 研究目的    6
    2、 研究意义    6
    (二)、课题的研究现状和发展趋势    6
    1、研究背景    6
    2、研究现状    7
    3、发展趋势    8
    二、公益服务类事业单位激励机制相关概念界定    8
    (一)、事业单位    8
    (二)公益服务事业单位    9
    (三)、激励机制    9
    (四)、人力资源管理    9
    三、事业单位激励制度现状    9
    (一)针对性研究公益服务类事业单位的必要性    9
    (二)、当前公益服务类事业单位激励机制的现状    10
    1、取得的成果    10
    2、事业单位激励机制存在的主要问题    10
    (三)、遵义市第七中学现行的激励机制及分析    11
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