    Research of Lean Construction Theory and its Application
    Abstract:With the construction market competition as well as customer requirements increase, the construction industry has exposed many problems, and serious waste, inefficiency problem is particularly prominent, which illustrates that there are still many gaps and deficiencies in the construction industry management and production methods . Lean construction stems from Lean Thinking and its production, which is considered as the most efficient way to improve the building product quality and production efficiency. Therefore, the introduction of lean construction theory is to promote the change in construction management,and production which will be an important significance to the development of China's construction industry .
    Lean Construction is to maximize value to the customer, minimizing construction waste management. The purpose of this thesis is the theoretical study of lean construction, construction management for current situation, with reference to foreign lean construction management model, to construct a building for China's construction of lean management model.
    Before the formal introduction of lean construction, lean thinking must be understood about the origin, development, content overview, and then incorporated into the construction industry. Firstly, we can begin from the development of lean construction, concepts and theories to study its lean construction. The theory of building begins from the foundation of lean production theory and application of theory to discuss which include value engineering, last planner system and just in time production from which to discuss the basic theory system of lean construction . On this basis, we analyzed lean construction cases of the current international implementation ,and proposed the necessity of implementation of lean construction , and focused on the foreign lean construction practices and current situation of China's construction, and describes the specific implementation of lean construction methods.
    Key words:Lean thinking; Lean construction; TFV theory of production; Value engineering; Last planner system; Just-in-time production system
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究的目的和意义    3
    1.3  研究的主要内容    4
    2  精益思想    5
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