    Research on commercial real estate financing model in China
    Abstract: The real estate industry is a pillar of the social and economic construction of our country. It plays an important role in our social economy and economic development. The development of commercial real estate can promote the circulation of commodities, guaranteeing the basic livelihood of the people and reversing the estate development order effectively, improving the speed of urbanization in China. The real estate industry is typically a capital-intensive industry. It effectively solve the problem of financing of commercial real estate is the only way which must be passed to promote its healthy development. The only way to promote its healthy development lies on effectively solving the problem of financing of commercial real estate.
         This thesis departured from current situation of our commercial real estate corporate finance and on the basis of summing up the research of the real estate financing mode and analysed the characteristics of China's commercial real estate. We reached the following conclusions: REITs combined with China's Commercial Real Estate is feasible. It can be drawn from the development of financial trust industry, real estate, real estate securitization and REITs develop the necessary external environment analysis. Project financing model is the core part of the overall structure of the project financing. Financing model design is the process of a variety of financing instruments portfolio. From the angle of enterprise financing and taking REITs as the core, the traditional financing tools for building healthy chain of funds for commercial real estate enterprise can be supplementary financing combinations. From the point of view of project financing and using project financing theory, establishment of the project company can achieve a risk-sharing and limited recourse. According to the demand characteristics of the project life cycle funds, combination of various financing tools are required for each stage, raising funds, in order to achieve the efficiency of commercial real estate project financing.
    Key words: commercial real estate; financing model;REITs
    目 录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景和意义    1
    1.1.1  研究背景    1
    1.1.2  研究意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  研究内容    4
    2  我国商业房地产融资理论基础    6
    2.1  我国商业房地产概述    6
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