

    毕业论文关键字: 传统家电卖场;电子商务化;实现路径

    Abstract :

    With the advent of the Internet, online shopping is becoming more and more important in our life. And traditional home appliance stores in labor costs, water and electricity rent today, more and more high, and under the tide of e-commerce and network retail under the high speed development of double flank, entering the electronic commerce. Traditional home appliance sells online retail can have a variety of choices, according to its own characteristics, the traditional home appliance sells into electronic commerce mainly adopt three ways: one is the self-built network marketing platform, self marketing promotion; Second, with the help of third-party e-commerce platform way; Three is to buy other mature platform. "Based on the previous scholars' research results, the traditional home appliance stores to carry out the implementation path for the B2C investigation and analysis, through some paths

    Keyword: Traditional home appliance stores; Electronic commerce; Realize the path

    目   录

    绪论 1

    1.1研究背景及意义 1

    1.11研究背景 1

    1.12 研究意义 2

    1.2 研究内容 2

    1.3 研究方法 2

    1.4 技术路线 3

    2 文献综述 3

    3. 现有传统家电卖场界定及运营模式。 5

    4.家电卖场电子商务化实现路径相关探究 6

    4.1传统家电卖场电子商务化pest分析 6

    4.2传统家电卖场电子商务化实现路径探究 8

    4.2.1自建网上商城 9

    4.2.2收购其他成熟平台 9

    4.2.3入驻其他平台 9

    4.2.4混合模式 10

    5. 实现路径的理论基础 10

    5.1自建网上平台的理论基础 10

    5.2并购其他成熟网站的理论基础 10

    5.3入驻第三方开放平台的理论基础 11

    6电子商务化实现路径swot分析 11

    6.1自建平台的swot分析 11

    6.2入驻第三方开放平台的swot分析 14

    7. 实现路径优化对策与建议 16


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