
    摘要  在信息化时代,随着网络和媒体的广泛普及,商业信息的发布、更新和传播速度在最大程度上得到了提速,不仅在商业活动的各个环节上节省了不少额外成本。而在这样的大背景下,企业与人才之间的纽带联系也在悄然地发生着变化。在传统招聘形式之外,一种新型的、基于网络的招聘形式正在逐渐被越来越多的企业和人力资源管理者所接受,即自媒体招聘,又称社交网络招聘。笔者将在正文中阐述何为自媒体,何为自媒体招聘,并从各个方面对比自媒体招聘与传统招聘,分析两者的优劣点;同时以LinkedIn和新浪微博为主要研究对象,着重探讨和展望自媒体招聘在国内的发展趋势与前景。64549

    毕业论文关键词  自媒体  社交网络  LinkedIn  微博

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title       We Media Recruitment: Comparison with     Traditional Recruitment and Prospect      

    Abstract In the information age, with the wide popularity of the network and the media, the release, update, and propagation velocity of the business information is accelerated in the largest extent, not only saving lots of costs in the commercial activities of each link, but also creating a new business model, E-commerce. In this context, the relationships between enterprises and talents also have been changed. Beyond the traditional recruitment, a new type of recruitment named social media recruitment, which is based on the network is more and more accepted by HR professionals. In this article, the author will explain what the We Media is, and what the social media recruitment is, compare the social media recruitment with the traditional recruitment, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages between each other. And take LinkedIn and Sina Weibo as the main research objects, discussing and prospecting the development trend of social media recruitment in the domestic.

    Keywords  We Media  Social network  LinkedIn  Micro-blog

    1  引言  5

    2  自媒体招聘的主要含义及主要特征 5

    2.1  何为自媒体招聘?  5

    2.2  自媒体的主要特征  6

    3  自媒体招聘之于传统媒体招聘的优点  7

    3.1  信息传递  7

    3.2  招聘效率  8

    4  自媒体招聘在国内外的发展现状研究  10

    4.1  LinkedIn模式  11

    4.2  微博模式  13

    4.3  微博模式形成的基础与优劣势  14

    4.4  微博招聘的现状研究  17

    4.5  LinkedIn与新浪微博的对比研究  19

    结论  22

    致谢  23

    参考文献 24

    图1  Microsoft关注人群所形成的人脉网  11

    图2  注册页面增设学生选项  12

    图3  国内互联网使用者增加幅度  14

    图4  国内社交网站用户量统计  15

    图5  LinkedIn的个人信息页面  20

    表1  各类招聘形式的优缺点对比和适用范围 9

    1  引言


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